Samvit Solutions

Samvit Solutions is a health informatics company focused on providing business and technical requirements analysis, standards development and program management services in the healthcare and life sciences initiatives. We provide enterprise level business process analysis, systems modeling, and requirements analysis services to software development efforts. We partner with development companies to provide a complete software solution. Samvit team members are active participants in the clinical research data exchange standards development efforts.

Requriements Analysis & System Modeling

As analysts, we envision our role primarily as a communication bridge between all project stakeholders:

  • We communicate directly with project sponsors and subject matter experts to solicit and document their business needs;
  • We analyze the business needs and develop detailed technical requirements that can be consumed by the development team;
  • We work with Project managers to accurately communicate the requirements with the developers, and subsequently verify the implementation of such requirements;
  • We support QA engineers and testers in validating test cases

Data Standards Development

Our focus and expertise are in the semantics and content of the CDISC and HL7 data exchange standards in relationship to the clinical research and clinical trials domain. We have extensive experience in the following clinical research data standards:


HL7 v3 Standards:

  • Study Participation message
  • Study Design message

CDISC Standards:

  • Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM)
  • Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization (CDASH)
  • Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group (BRIDG) Model
  • Study Design Model (SDM-XML)